Based on 48 votes and 15 reviews.
Yeah, I agree from what I've read and heard about wolves - attacking humans is very rare - either that or not recorded. As far as ruining the integrity of the study of wolves - hey man it's a movie. Great cast for a shoe string budget, good story line - i.e. 'survival of the fittest'. I'd recommend this movie and commend Adam Green and his crew for a job well done!
I would like the person who says that wolves do not attack humans, to walk up to a pack of them and start poking them with a stick while shouting "Bad Dogs! Bad Dogs!" at the top of their voice. Then, come back and share their experience with us.
Unfortunately, the above review is inaccurate as far as its information in regard to wolves. Compared to other carnivorous mammals known to attack humans, the frequency in which wolves attack humans is much lower though there are more than several incients recorded in which wolves have attacked and even killed humans. The most recent of these being in March 2010 in Anchorage, Alaska. Unprovoked attacks are rare however any recorded data on wolf attacks shows that the attacks can occur at any time of the day depending on situation. I am curious as to where the last reviewer got their information!?!?!
Unfortunately, the previous review is inaccurate as wolves DO ATTACK HUMANS! However, compared to other carnivorous mammals known to attack humans, the frequency in which wolves have been recorded to attack humans is significantly lower indicating that though potentially dangerous,wolves are among the least dangerous for their size and predatory potential. The most recent recorded attack occured March 8th, 2010 in Anchorage, Alaska and there are at least 12 others that have occured since 2000. Depending on the circumstances of both the environment and the wolf, attacks can occur at any time of the day. Clearly, this movie has not destroyed anything Biologist have tried to prove, merely, have
I was apprehensive throughout the entire movie. However, wolves do not attack humans, let alone attack during the day. Biologists have spent decades proving this. Now I feel this movie may have destroyed all their work and instilled a new fear into the average person. Not very responsible.