Based on 1076 votes and 399 reviews.
Historically Accurate
Awesome movie!!!
A must see for every American. It is our history not the history that is taught in many schools today.
I learned so much - I loved how fact based and historical this movie was. It didn't play on emotion or manipulation it told a true story of history and our parties. Thank God there are still reasonable people left out there. This movie gave me hope that our country still has amazing people willing to fight for what our founding fathers fought for.
Telling it like it is , was , and will be ... if sleeping giant don't stay awake !!
Excellent, accurately depicted film that every sane American needs to see! #WalkAway
Dinesh tells the true history that you won't find in many history books. This should be mandatory viewing for all citizens of our country.
As one writer put it, 'devoid of truthful history and facts.'
Dinesh probably thinks he will win an Oscar for this stinky detritus. Fuggedaboutit!
Thank you for your patriotism to your adopted country.