In Theaters: July 29, 2011
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Thriller | 1h 58m
Based on 1614 votes and 269 reviews.
Loved it! Great cast, what a way to mix the old western with modern villians.
as a huge fan of Howard,Speilberg,Ford,Craig, westerns....adventure....sci-fi....all i can say is wow,wow,Olivia Wilde,double WOW!!!!
excellent action movie
Guess I was a little disappointed with this film.
I did not enjoy this movie at all! The premise was rediculous and as such, lost my attention almost immediately.
What a brilliant idea for a movie - what two things are farther apart than Cowboys and Aliens?? I loved it - love the cast, the story, and the special effects - what's not to love?
you can't leave a bad review for this movie, the title clearly explains what your getting yourself into
This movie is fantastic! The plot is action-filled and helps the viewer to really get engaged to the movie from start to finish. The acting is also superb with such great contributors as Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig. Great if you like sci-fi or western films!
Just love this stuff.
I liked the cowboy part. I liked the alien part. The two parts didn't go well together.