Cloud Atlas Movie Poster

Cloud Atlas

User rating: 3.59 77 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: October 26, 2012

R | Fantasy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 2h 52m

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User rating: 3.59

Based on 198 votes and 77 reviews.

  • User rating: 104 53.06%
  • User rating: 20 10.20%
  • User rating: 8 4.08%
  • User rating: 16 8.16%
  • User rating: 48 24.49%

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Showing 71-77 of 77 reviews

User rating: October 27, 2012

Let me say that I have started the audiobook 3 times and have given up after an hour each time. This is such a difficult story to follow on audio and in the theatre. However,the soundtrack is great, the photography beautiful and the acting superb. I haven't been touched by a movie in many years. There are six stories woven together in this film. Difficult to follow - yes but it all comes together at the end. Sadness, mirth, and boredom at times as you try to follow the stories. We'are going back to see it again today and I hope it has the same effect on my heart.

User rating: October 27, 2012

WTF was that?

User rating: October 26, 2012

The worst film I have ever seen in my life. So painful. I even fell asleep. Please avoid the pain and stay away from - Cloud Atlas. Hard to believe the creators of the Matrix trilogy came up with this horrible film. The worst 3 films of all time for me are 1) Cloud Atlas; 2) Cowboys and Aliens; 3) The Making of an American Quilt. The 3 memorable parts to this film. 1) The soundtrack; 2) one memorable line: "The ocean is a multitude of drops."; 3) The make up. It was so good, when you bury this film, the mortician won't need to use it! I regret that I spent 1000 Scene points for this tripe. I also regret the horrible use and waste of time, of hours of the day I will never ever get back

User rating: October 26, 2012

This movie is largely based on the buddhist premise that everything is interconnected which goes beyond past, present and future. If you appreciate this premise and believe in karma you will likely appreciate this movie. I personally enjoyed the premise and the movie. It's fun noticing the different characters the same actor's play. Its the type of movie you have to pay attention to. To me this movie has everything an interesting story line, humour, action, drama, special effects and a deep understanding of reality. I liked it!

User rating: October 26, 2012

These first two reviews were sent even before the movie was out. Hollywood hype in action. See the movie for yourself and then comment.

User rating: October 21, 2012

beautiful visuals, naration at its best , fantastic acting, epic movie

User rating: September 3, 2012

beautiful trailer and gave me goose bumps for it speaks of how truly connected we all are...karma,past lives and the lessons we try to learn in this life time and from previous and we keep coming back until we learn them all and balance our karma's...that is why our souls remember and our hearts for the truth lays where it is purest within us in our heart and light to all no matter what path one walks for we are all connected within and out. claire