Based on 18533 votes and 547 reviews.
Adam Sandler once again did a wonderful performance. He was very funny and made the whole movie cheerful and bright. The plot was also funny and interesting. I enjoyed it. It taught a very good lesson that everyone should know that life is made up of what you make it.
The movie was wonerful, I found it funny at times and cried at the end, wonderful life story
Some funny parts but a weak remake of It`s a wonderful life.
great fun...enjoyed the movie alot...
Great movie, I laughted and I cried, very well done with just the right amount of moral. I hope that everyone see this movie.
Very good lessons - we create our own life. Our choices and how we spend our time determines our outcome. Most people are on autopilot as they go to work everyday to make the company owners dreams come true instead of working towards making their OWN dreams come true.
It was a great movie but definatly not what I was expecting coming from Adam Sandler. The commercial show it being a comedy with tons of laughs but when your in the theatre its more heart wrenching then it is funny. I was happy that at the end he was able to make everything right, I`m a sap for happy endings.
I enjoyed Click. Adam Sandler was great as a new - age Jimmy Stewart.
A very different funny.
Adam Sandler was excellent in the movie with a well thought out script and Kate Beckinsale was under utilized but overall a good movie.