Based on 2016 votes and 68 reviews.
it was alsome
it was awesome the best movie ever made of my entire 72 years of livind never seen anything ike it and it is a true movie
hi, i love cabin fever seen 3 time the bast hooror film i seen in 20 year`s rider your a good actor.rider
This movie was really good, but extremely creepy!!! especially sense the guy died in the water and eveyone got the disease from drinking that water, it totally creeped me out!! I am afraid to drink tap water now!
honestly, i didn`t think they made movies this bad...but apparently they do..what was with the party cop guy...i was so tripped out it was so stupid....
i found that the movie was legthy and not scarey there were parts that you new were going to happen like when they where going to get sick it because of the glass of water and bath water and some other parts it is no fun watching a movie if 15 minutes into it you start to see a paddern its no fun its not like aliens 1.2.3 you could not tell anything or what the story line was going to be try sitting down with your girlfriend or some friends and see were you get
Worst movie ever! Insult to society.
it was ok but ive seen better im my 15 years
it would have been much better had they made these people have a little sense instead of being missing some commonsense
Don`t waste your money...