Burlesque Movie Poster


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User rating: 4.13

Based on 1488 votes and 579 reviews.

  • User rating: 638 44.99%
  • User rating: 492 34.70%
  • User rating: 168 11.85%
  • User rating: 70 4.94%
  • User rating: 50 3.53%

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Showing 161-170 of 579 reviews

User rating: January 10, 2011

Very entertaining, a good musical, light and colorful. Cabaret at its best. Well done job, Christina!

User rating: January 10, 2011

Great Movie! The soundtrack is even better :) Good storyline and Cher and Christina make a wonderful on-screen duo, have to say one of my fav's for '10!

User rating: January 9, 2011

The most amazing depiction of a raw talent I've seen in a long time. Every movie has spinets where you see a performer in their most natural raw talent, but this movie is all about that movie, the movie i based on Cher's amazing voice and her characters passion and love for burlesque and the amazing raw talent that is hidden behind a sweet and innocent face. The movie shows you never to underestimate the power of talent and passion, dreams can come true when you put everything you have into them.

User rating: January 9, 2011

Awesome...A must see..

User rating: January 9, 2011

Now that was a good show!. It had a story, quite believable too. This is a film you could take your mother to.

User rating: January 9, 2011

i loved this movie

User rating: January 9, 2011

One of the best movies I've ever seen. The casting was perfect. Christina has the most amazing voice. Cher was stunning, as usual. Saw it with a group of women, great girl movie!

User rating: January 9, 2011

LOVED this movie, didnt have the deepest plot line but there was a good enough story, but lets face it with Christina and Cher in it you are going for the singing as well as the acting and they definitely dont disappoint with that...love Chers new song "you havent seen the last of me" came home and downloaded it to listen to right away, Christina's voice as always is amazing. Overall would see it again for the entertainment value alone!!

User rating: January 9, 2011

This movie was very insipring for me. I went with my girlfriends and we all enjoyed it. We laughed a lot and it helped to rebuild confindence within myself. Every lady should go and see this movie!!!

User rating: January 9, 2011

Great movie Christina and Cher great performances