Based on 278 votes and 52 reviews.
Amazing movie! I've read the book and the movie does it justice (though the movie is way too soft in comparison)!! If you can't apreciate such a great writer as Saramago or such a great director as Meirelles, I'm sorry for you!
There is one advantage of being blind, you will not be able to actually "see" this movie which is the BEST thing that could happen to you.
i really liked this movie just because of the message it was trying to communicate and one should realize that the point of this movie is not to understand how the blindness came about but what came of it.
You negative reviewers should stick to watching harmless cartoons! Movies like this one is way bigger than you, and your small closed minds! Good movie!
This movie was based on a book that was written by a Portuguese Author, and I am pretty sure it won a noble prize.. this movie was very good but disturbing
it was amazing but disturbing
Its not the most exciting movie, but its definitely an interesting one. I wouldnt watch it again, but at the same time im glad i saw it.
good movie - real depiction of human actions when times get tough. true colours.
Before you comment on the movie and how certain things were unneccessary[sic?], try reading the book first. This movie/the book too, is all about society being blind to others and the traumas and conflicts that arise in everyday life. don't be so quick to judge.
Like snakes on a plain. Not interested in seeing it again.. And seeing the rape seens made me feel less of a man. Actually I feel Degrated and like girls wont like me if they seen that. Almost left the theatre after that.