Based on 8498 votes and 1633 reviews.
They lost me when the CIA guy said Michael B. Jordan's ghetto-talkin' character graduated from M.I.T. My ability to suspend reality only goes so far.
A lion king story modernized with some high tech outfits injected with some fighting, shooting, and tribal dances. A brilliant blunder.
There is little creativity here in terms of storytelling; the villain is probably the best thing about this movie, even if his fate is as predictable as the majority of Marvel villains.
Forrest Whittaker is wasted as a non-developed character with too short screen time, on top of the scene being rushed his final scene has no impact as a result. Martin Freeman is too fish out of water as well.
Acting ranges from disastrous to surprisingly solid. But the main flaw is that just a vehicle to make a political statement.
Two or three good parts don't make an entire movie.
Main story is bad.
Marvels engine appears to be losing its steam with each movie. Visually it was ok, everything was dull and boring.
Take Thor Ragnarok screenwriting, delete all the jokes and fun (literally there is 2 jokes in Pantera, and just inverse everyone's skin color. Ridiculous.
Essentially, it's the Lion King. Main character is overthrown by a relative who then proceeds to take the throne and make everyone believe the hero is dead, only for the hero and a small band of companions to return and fight off the villain and retake the throne.