Based on 8498 votes and 1633 reviews.
My spidey BS sensors went off on high alert during the days before this film was released to theaters. The news and entertainment media began praising the movie, over and over and over. A 97% Rotten Tomatoes score was quoted often before the film had been released to general audiences. A really good film doesn't need to be praised by the entertainment community when it really is good. Word of mouth among general audiences will ramp up interest in the film. So I went to the theater to see for myself. My spidey senses were right. The professional critics overhyped this film exactly like they did The Last Jedi. Very likely for political reasons which really damages the credibility of review sites every time they over-hype a movie they want to push on to the public.
This movie lacked a decent storyline, instead it was rather dull. I couldn't connect with any of the characters and as such cared little for their success or failure. Much of the hype I believe is due to the dominant African American cast. That's fine, when I watch a movie I don't care what colour people are, but in this case the hyper seems to have heavily depended on that fact and ignored more important aspects of a movie like storyline etc. The lead character was rather bland.
I agree no more black superhero movies with any racial talk at all. I also cannot wait until more white superhero movies to come out. Wonder Woman, Flash. Batman. Superman, Justice League, Thor and many more. None absolutely none have any talk at all about racial stuff. That's the kind of super hero movie I want to go see. Wonder Woman and Man of Steel should make a movie together. They so hot and have such great personalities and a wonderful actors and live such wonderful private lives.
The racial comments about about how we black people have been treated and so on ruined the movie. I thought it was going to be a great movie but it appears that racial overtones and comments have to be in too many black moves. All we have been through is in the past. We are tired of hearing about our past. Lets move on ! Don't even think about a part 2. I can't wait untill the next Superman, Batman
I had high hopes for this movie after the stellar reviews started rolling in, but to be perfectly honest, this movie is EXTREMELY boring... One of the only action scenes in the movie is the air flip over the car you see in the trailer. The other is the awkwardly short "climax" at the end. Seriously, it's over so fast you won't believe it's really over. It felt like the director just wanted to call it a day and be done with this movie. Ultimately I feel really cheated after how amazing BP was in Civil War. Take a pass on this one, the critics are lying.
The movie picks up a week after the events of 'Captain America: Civil War' as Prince T'Challa returns to his homeland of Wakanda and ascends to the throne as King. The plot on the surface is fine and delivers as expected, but the events that follow isn't anything new. Not saying that's a bad thing, but there was nothing that happened I wasn't surprised about so was disappointed.
Don't understand all the hype.
It was so great to see so many satisfied and smiling faces after this movie. In today's political climate, it's refreshing watching a movie that gives people hope and positive energy. Great film - can't wait to see it again!
The script was very robotic - This ties into the poor acting, but perhaps as a result of the script, some of the actors never really had a chance to bring their characters to life.
The villains are shown as such but the lack of character from the protagonists leaves a sour taste is one's mouth, especially since black panther is such a great character in the marvel franchise.