Based on 48 votes and 21 reviews.
I loved it! I suspect however that my fellow contemporaries have more than a tangential connection. We heard the music firsthand when there was nothing like it ever. As Dylan said, “the battle outside ragin’ will shake your windows and rattle your walls” and then the times did change…
Saw LZ in Chicago in ‘69. This amazing movie showed them exploding on music scene, with all their passion, innovation and growth. Beautiful and moving!! It was like seeing them again in ‘69!
Too long too boring. Wonderful band good interviews what a shame.
Barely good enough to watch on TV
Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? It could’ve been so much better and no stairway to heaven What?
Best band ever! loved them since 1969,. Seen them live at MSG n was blown away. RIP Bonzo
I am the biggest Led Zeppelin fan I know!.This is a interesting musical journey fact based rockumentary with exciting film footage and interviews. The personal stories are heart felt and informative . I am cery hopeful that the Directors/ Producers do the entire discography of the band with more interviews and film footage in the coming years. Truthfully I did not want it to end. * * * * *
Such wild music! And the interviews are so articulate. Yet somehow the documentary is a little bit boring. My husband said it was like a film that would be shown in school, like about NASA or nature.
I'll wait for the Dread Zepplin version, a movies about a"classic Rock" band? Classic...and ...Rock...a bit of an oxymoron isnt it? I dont understand. Wheres Torte Elvis when you need him?
Awesome movie about the greatest Band ever Led Zeppelin :)