Based on 3620 votes and 857 reviews.
Not impressed at all. Everyone has their own taste in humour. I really didnt find a lot of it funny. Too much for me
Pretty weak, but it had it's moments.
Funny and clever. Held my interest throughout. I agree with the comment that other teachers' characters could have been rounded out more.
Not a bad movie as I expected worse after reading reviews. Better than bridesmaids.
good movie
Intelligently funny movie - didn't disappoint.
Simply bad.
It SHOULD be called Bad Botox.
Offensively bad; Diaz looks much too craggly to pull this one off.
Hey losers, it's called BAD TEACHER. Take your moral churchies ways elsewhere and go watch Harry Twatter. Learned her lesson? Umm millions of people a day cheat the system. This movie was HI-LARIOUS!