In Theaters: December 18, 2009
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 2h 42m
Based on 2381 votes and 504 reviews.
I love that comment LAME. You must have seen some of the previews on TV but still went to see it. Next time stay home with a book and a glass of wine. The movie was visually stunning,I'd see it again and again.
Best movie I have ever seen!!!
absolutely amazing!! best movie ever made. you people that rated this 1-2 stars don't know SH*** I saw the Hurt Locker, and there is NO WAY this should be in any contention with Avatar. Maybe James will win an Oscar here in North America. Let the Brits say what they want. The Hurt Locker was crap. There was no point to it.
Very fine movie, kinda reminds me of FERN GULLY, Cameron did a fine job although he is getting just as dated as Lucas. I guess the next movie would be Transformers III. Bring on the CGI!
Avatar should win all nine Oscars not The Hurt Locker because The Hurt Locker sucks & Avatar rules.
It was lame. It was furn gully for 2010. Without the graphics this movie really wasn't very good. The acting was hidious.
THIS IS THE ABSALUTE BEST MOVIE EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes you feel so in peace with the earth.... if you like animals or nature even the slightest bit, your gonna LOVE Avatar!!!!!!
when i first herd about it i thought it was going to be another one of those stupid alian movies until i saw the trailer and i was like "WOOO I HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!" I have seen this movie 3 times in 3D and I'm going to go see it again soon. :D
i love this movie, it got to be my most fav
There is a reason this movie is nominated for some Oscars... It's freakin awsome!!!!!!!!