Alien vs. Predator Movie Poster

Alien vs. Predator

User rating: 4.28 197 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: August 13, 2004

PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

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User rating: 4.28

Based on 10266 votes and 197 reviews.

  • User rating: 7995 78.05%
  • User rating: 357 3.49%
  • User rating: 193 1.88%
  • User rating: 111 1.08%
  • User rating: 1587 15.49%

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Showing 61-70 of 197 reviews

User rating: August 23, 2004

Ok the only way to describe how this movie made me feel is the scene in Alien when John Hurt has the Chestburster alien rip through his sternum.I actually wanted to turn to the guy sitting next to me and say "PLEASE KILL ME!". Thank you Paul WS Anderson for destroying an almost perfect franchise.

User rating: August 23, 2004

i thought it was the best sci-fi film ever!!!!!!!!1

User rating: August 23, 2004

i think it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User rating: August 23, 2004

this movie is a treasure to all sci-fi movies, its great!

User rating: August 22, 2004

Just a few things I`d like to say about AVP. 1)the Matrix 360 effect is played out, 2)Anderson shouldn`t be allowed to direct ever again. 3)Alien movies need Sigorney Weaver. 4)Predator movies need Arnold or Bill Paxton. 5)Making the Predators super huge and uglier don`t make a better movie. 6)Romance Between any alien species and humans doesn`t work, a lesson we learned in Alien Resurection(ok it worked in Starman). 7)oh yes and why couldn`t the Predators see the final alien in their Buddy at the end? I mean they can see them in humans right? Ok I`ll finish with the only positive thing I saw about this movie, Great opening credits.

User rating: August 22, 2004

i thought it was soooo kewl. Even if you havent seen the Alien movies or the predator movies... it`s ok... i really liked it and i`m looking forward to seeing it again!

User rating: August 22, 2004

I found it to be a good laugh, especially when the Pred teamed up with the girl and when they say "it difficult to read" but they read it fluently anyway... this is sort of a prequel to alien movies because of BISHOP weyland... alien fans will know..

User rating: August 22, 2004

The people who think this movie was remotely good, Get some taste in movies. Terrible Story. SHOULD NOT BE RATED AT 4 STARS!!! Save your Money. There are so many things that are just so stupid in this movie you have to laugh! but I thought this was an action film. A GOD DAMN STRETCHER!!!!! THESE ARE FUTURISTIC KILLERS...A STRETCHER?!?!!? you`re kidding me

User rating: August 22, 2004

This was the worth movie i ever sine it has nothing to do with the 4 aliens movies and the 2 predators movies. predator dont come back every 100 years and they dont team up with the humain they hunt humains. predator dont kill humains that are not arm. At one part a alien go invisable what up with that. im just gonna start here cause i could go on forever on how bad this movie was. i give it 1star cause i cant give it a 0

User rating: August 22, 2004

one of the worst movies i have ever seen.good thing we snuck in the theatre and didn`t pay.i would have been even more choked!!!! bad enough i wasted my saturday night.they should have paid me to go see it and even at that i would highly doubt i`d go.