Ali Movie Poster


User rating: 3.25 75 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 25, 2001

R | Drama | 2h 38m

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User rating: 3.25

Based on 6348 votes and 75 reviews.

  • User rating: 3429 54.18%
  • User rating: 98 1.55%
  • User rating: 76 1.20%
  • User rating: 47 0.74%
  • User rating: 2679 42.33%

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Showing 11-20 of 75 reviews

User rating: January 17, 2002

Mohammed Ali is just a big bag of hot air. Movie sucks big time.

User rating: January 16, 2002

Will Smith did very well. Better than I thought he would. It was an okay movie.

User rating: January 16, 2002

The acting in this movie was fantastic, Everone was great in the movie. A well chosen cast. I thought the movie was not very well written. If your going to have a 3 hour movie then show all his life. the is no doubt that Ali had his vices ( woman ) but on the whole, he was one of the most dynamic people that has lived. A man that stood up for what he blieved in whether you were Black or white. This movie showed part of Ali. Although it was about what he believed in it didnt show that their were really 6 fighters in his career that gave him a difficult time, and that each of these fighters were the greatest that ever walked the earth in any ti

User rating: January 13, 2002


User rating: January 13, 2002

The music was great !!!

User rating: January 13, 2002

Useless...unless you already understand his whole life

User rating: January 12, 2002

Ali was an excellent movie. Those of you who complain about it not being accurate enough or showing enough facts about Ali`s life should watch a documentary not a movie made in Hollywood!! Also, this movie is not just about Ali... it`s about the human spirit and what one person can achieve just by being true to themselves. People shouldn`t go to the movies for reality... if you want reality... stay home and watch discovery...

User rating: January 12, 2002

I thought that ALI was an inspiring and emotional movie with heart and soul. Will Smith was EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (along with the other cast members, including Jada).

User rating: January 12, 2002

This movie really talk about a strong Muslim Man

User rating: January 12, 2002

Its the best movie i ever seen i will waht it again all u people that saw this movie and saw it not good u ave no tast and if u don`t like it don`t comme here and be rihgting all this crap just saw is not what u espected ar that it not your tipe of movie k if your going to rite crap dont rite at all keep it to your self