Based on 16515 votes and 263 reviews.
Where does everyone learn their history, in the states? Oliver Stone must have learned it there also. The problem is that people on both sides of the modern argument insist on looking at the question as if Alexander and Hephaistion lived now. But they didn`t. They lived then. And they thought about it all differently from the way we do. Too many people insist on filtering facts through the beliefs and customs of their own society (or religion or political agenda), and don`t see that people in other places and times really can think differently about very basic things, including sex.
I wasted a lot of money on this one.
Let’s just say wholly crap and it is. It is the biggest dog in history in movies. What was hollywood thinking, oh they weren`t.
Great film the director pictured the real alexander and all his family,you know problems with his father and his mother Alexander the Great was an excellent movie and well portrayed. I have a problem with people claiming that it was in accurate and provide no support as to how it`s inacurate. I`m sure that Oliver Stone did do research for this movie, This film presents an intense psychological investigation of the character of Alexander of Macedon.the war scenary is great. I agree that colin might not be as charming as Alexander was, but the scenary, the fighting scene, is worth the ticket. I know much about his conquest territory,most event
Okay, point to make...TROY WAS MYTH. GREEK MYTH! Also, Alexander historically accurate? No one has even proven if Alexander really exisited. So...both Troy and Alexander are based on anothers stories meant to entertain. That is right...a story...not history or fact. Some parts of actual history have been used in both films around the main characters/story line to make them more interesting, sorry to break all you history buffs blabbering dreams!
I didn`t see the movie, so i guess people are probably saying what the heck are u here for but. . . people it seems that some would have to learn how to spell before people could take you serious. . . sleep on that one
I think Alexander was a great movie and it was, lets say 95% accurate (historically that is)... but there`s 2 ways to look at it... if you`re interested in history and like movies that are based on history and like battles etc.etc. then id say Alexander is an amazing movie.. i found it more interesting and accurate than Troy.. on the other hand if you`re looking for some sexxy movie with chicks and "oh my sweet girlfriend lets go to movies" or "yo man lets go to some cool movie tonite" uve chosen the wrong movie... find urself something better to do.. otherwise ENJOY!
So much anticipation, so little pay off. I left the theatre with a bad taste in my mouth and a newfound grudge against Stone.
How can you compare Alexander to Braveheart or Troy? They are completely different stories about completely different people. Out of these three movies Alexander (maybe not the most entertaining) was the most accurate historically in giving an account of what really happened.