Based on 16515 votes and 263 reviews.
a great lesson in history, and one that must be seen by anyone who never listened enough in school. oliver stone is a genious.
I was expecting a lot from this cast and Oliver Stone and they delivered nothing. This is one of the most unimaginative period pieces I have ever seen.The battle scenes were the saving grace of this monstrosity but even they could not take the bad taste out of my mouth.I don`t know what was worse: the tired Braveheart-esque "freedom speeches" or the monotonous ramblings of the great Anthony Hopkins. When I watched this movie I didn`t see a spectacle, all I saw was a lot of wasted talent...
What an excellent movie. Well done. Finally an epic that is worth seeing. 2 thumbs up.
Oliver Stone`s should have not directed this movie. It was to long the camera work was horrible. Parts of the move were dragged out when it could he bin edited and “I mean the last hour of the move”. This movie should have no ended up as a 3-hour move. This movie could have done beater with a different director filiming it.
Easily the BEST combat movie of the year, it makes the sad TROY and pittiful KING ARTHUR look like cartoons. This further solidifies Oliver Stone as a master filmmaker, and the casting is excellent. This movie isn`t for everyone, let`s face it, not everyone can sit for 3 hours and not everyone wants to see a movie with strong homosexual references. Then again, anyone with a healthy attention span and an open mind and an eye for a well crafted film WILL enjoy this movie. Oh, and Angelina Jolie rules every scene she`s in.
Im a Greek what can I say , I love when things about my great culture come to the big screen...great movie
READ!!!------ok, so many things to say, first off, this movie is amazing! everything was true! alexander was a bisexual! the gay sceans made lots of scense,the narating by anthony hopkins was very well, and they only touched on the gay sceans very little, everyone who thinks this movie is not good, dont belive any of the people who tell u, its only because there not mature enough to handel a little gay scene, thats pathetic! overall, this movie is awsome, awsome acting (who ever said colin ferrel cant act, go back to your stone age) marvalous filming! and great writing and story, and if u cant understand there acsent, somthings wrong with you
WOW! That was the most self endulgent junk I have ever seen! Stone should be ashamed of himself. He gives the audience absolutely ZERO credit and beats us over the head with immagery and symbols. Giving the actors accents to deal with (which by the way were ALL different even though the characters were born and raised in the same place so it would have been just as well to let them speak in their NORMAL accent) was a HUGE mistake. Trying to talk in those ridiculous accents that seemed to vanish without reason while speaking AWFUL dialogue proved impossible for most of the cast and it was a constant reminder that the movie was awful. It
Sorry this film does not live up to expectations, and yes the Gayness is quite disturbing... Alexander the Great is not to be portraied as alexander the gay... he was a strong selfish warrior, who did not cry through and after his battles.. come on people.. Save your money and dont` go see this!