Based on 16163 votes and 441 reviews.
I REALLY REALLY LOVED IT!!! I cant wait until it comes out on video! I am soooooo buying it! It was a really beautiful story and i cried so much.
i thought the movie was amazing, mandy moore`s acting was better than i thought and shane west was really good. the movie had a great plot, the characters were really good and it was so sad i hope to read the book soon and the music for the movie is so perfect.
I loved It! It was sad but very good
This is by far...the best movie I have ever seen! Mandy Moore and Shane West were amazing in it and it was very well done. Although the movie was based on the book, I don`t think it portrayed it at all, but it still came out beautifully! I would recommend this movie to anyone of any age. It is such a touching film! Sometimes you will laugh, mostly you will cry, but it`s all worth it, because when it`s over, you will leave with tears in your eyes and a big smile on your face! E.B.
i think it was amazing how they broke a social boundaries in their scool. teens could take that into consideration.
Mandy moore and shain west are a good copple I went with my boy friend evan I cry just about throu the hole movie.........
YOU SHOULD SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It is the best movie ever! It`s not really a teen flick, more of a romance chick flick. Shane West is so adorable and mandy moore is a great actress ... no money waster, go see the movie. it is great! i cried like 5-7 times overall, but my friends didn`t cry at all.. oh well i think it depends on the person, if you cried in amagedon or stepmom i think u should cry in this film!!!
Touching movie with a surprise ending that can melt anyone`s heart. Shane West is amazingly hot as usual and the storyline is an emotional rollercoaster. The movie will definitely change your life and outlook on life
OMG! It was da best of da best movie! I cried at the movie theatre and i never cry at a movie and this one got me goin on and on! U should really see it!