Based on 16163 votes and 441 reviews.
This movie is so meaningful. I watched it over 100 time and still dont get bored of it. It is absoutly stunning. Mandy and Shane should be a couple. They are so cute together. It was a fantastic movie. I highly recommend it.
it was the best movie i loved it
the most amaizing movie i have ever seen. I only wish something like that would happen to me.
good values. Showed it to my students in school. yes i`m a HS teacher.
I thought the movie was so great it inspired me completely i loved it and i love Mandy Moore shes my complete idol i lover her soo much i think that she has changed many young girls lives watching and listening to your movies becasue your movies Mandy have so much to do with everyday life like a walk to remember its actually how the world is like the whole bullying stuff and how to deal it happens. So i just wanted Mandy to knoe she is an insterationg to all of us!
I am a 24 years old guy and I must admit that I normally hate this type of movies. But THIS one is OUTSTANDING. I never watched a movie that touched me the way this one did. I was nearly crying. It turned to be my favourite movie of all I ever seen in my life. And believe me I have seen maaany. I don``t understand what the "professional" critics missed in this movie. But most of them must have become so cynical, that they aren``t able to understand the deeper meaning of this movie. Poor people! I recommend this movie to everyone. The acting is outstanding, especially when you consider that this was Mandy Moores first leading role. The adaptio
i thought that a walk to remember was the best movie i had ever seen. after i saw it, i wanted to see it over and over again and so now i`ve seen it like 27 times. and right now im gonna go home and watch it again. shane west is so damn hot and sexy...........UGH! this movie is just too good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the best movie that i ever seen:) little sad,but it is the best film anyway!the actors are very, very good...Shane West are handsome=) keep going Shane and Mandy! *hugs Anne Grete from Norway*
This movie is so good! fantastic! it will touch everyone lives!sssooo romantic!
I loved it! It is my all time favorite movie! Reminds me of the begining of my fiance` and I`s relationship over 2 years ago. We both can relate to it so much.