Based on 27246 votes and 392 reviews.
how did eminem do it?i never knew he could act so good!i luv eminem and d12 and this movie was good...a bit gross...but the music and the storyline was fantastic!!5 stars!
i`am from detroit and the movie was very hollywoodish compared to the real detroit streets of hiphop.8mile was the whiteside of detroit.if you want to checkout the real side of the blood.sweat.and tears,checkout (the otherside of 8mile)the strugles,the hustling on the streets of the d of artists selling thier cds.putting thier last monies into building thier own studios in thier own homes!coming to a blockbuster near your hood!
awosme movie they made
It is the _BEST_ movie anyone could ever see. Eminem is the i repeat the best in this world. No 1 is perfect,but he is
i think it`s cool,and tough.they should make it a lit dirty,and it would be
the BEST movie ever=)))) i LOVE eminem<3
i think 8 mile was the stupidest movie i ever saw!!!!! do not go see it it is such a crapi movie that you should never go to go see it!!!!
It was the best ever Eminem is my idol
ugliest movie ever....DONT WATCH IT.....doesn`t deserve even 1 star......pure crap
I loved the movie...great! yes it is wierd to watch with parents at times...cuz..yea...u noe...but thank god didnt watch it with them! i was smart! I loved it! awesome! and by te way Eminem CAN act u people that say he cant...are outta ur minds cuz he is one of the best actors ever!! i luv him!<3