Based on 8653 votes and 573 reviews.
the shiznit best fighting movie i`ve seen in a long time
makes me want to work out and get some killer 6 packs. really good movie, but i think a god of war movie based on the ps2 game would be better.
This movie was great, it had great action, it was original. Worth seeing on the big screen and I will for sure buy it when it comes out on DVD and watch it again.
Movie or video game? Not much here to keep the mind going. Works on a purely lets go and watch action but we don`t want any plot development or character attachment.
the best movie ever must see and if you see it you will want to see it again becasue you will love it yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK this has 2 be one of the greatest films EVER made ...... racist excuse me ..... donno where ppl get this from ... we fought 4 out land our freedom ... wat would u do if som1 tried taking ur home .... donw b jealous juss apreciate .... this battle still goes down in history as 1 of the best fight ever ... the tactics r unbelievable and as modernized as our technology and people think they r we still cannot fight as well as these men.... OK im a 17 year old highschool student(girl) and i hav ppl complaning about blood a gore .... DO YOU HONESTLY EXPECT A MOVIE A WAR MOVIE 2 NOT HAV BLOOD .... GET REAL PPL AND GROW UP ... OK MAYB WE SHOULDVE
WOW - Truly an amazing work of art. The filming is incredible, the action is intense, a must see.
I think it was awsome. Everyone must see this movie espcially with all the crap out now.