1917 Movie Poster


User rating: 3.5 174 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 25, 2019

On DVD/Blu-ray: March 24, 2020

R | Drama, War | 1h 59m

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User rating: 3.5

Based on 470 votes and 174 reviews.

  • User rating: 202 45.70%
  • User rating: 60 13.57%
  • User rating: 30 6.79%
  • User rating: 56 12.67%
  • User rating: 94 21.27%

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Showing 51-60 of 174 reviews

User rating: February 11, 2020

Did a great job in portraying the horror that was WW1. The story was compelling. Sad to think many apparently rate war films based on the count of explosions, death and gore. Each participant had their own story.

User rating: February 11, 2020

Borrrring!!! Don't watch this! Waste of time!! Fell asleep zzzzzzzzz....

User rating: February 10, 2020

good movie if you like military drama about what goes on. more than just entertainment

User rating: February 9, 2020

Boring and unrealistic!

User rating: February 8, 2020

Big disappointment. Cant believe the Oscar buzz. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Hard to believe this is rated 4 stars. I'm generous at 2 stars.

User rating: February 8, 2020

Lame movie. Just a movie maker.

User rating: February 8, 2020

Terrible movie in every way. Left early.

User rating: February 8, 2020


User rating: February 7, 2020

the almost real feeling of being a part pf the movie.... it will be oscar winner for sure(best movie)

User rating: February 7, 2020

It drew you into the characters.