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User rating: 3.87

Based on 1264 votes and 92 reviews.

  • User rating: 520 51.23%
  • User rating: 200 19.70%
  • User rating: 94 9.26%
  • User rating: 45 4.43%
  • User rating: 156 15.37%

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Showing 1-10 of 92 reviews

User rating: December 23, 2006

Just watched it for the 2nd time and enjoyed it even more than the 1st. Brilliant writing and direction. great for fans of Lynch & Kubrick.

User rating: December 21, 2006

I was actually late for work because I couldn`t stop watching the story unfold. I had recorded it and actually had to stop myself from fast forwarding to see what was really happening. The build up to the end was amazing.

User rating: December 8, 2006

I loved this movie. I`m still in the process of fully understanding it. I feel it was directed really well but the writers should have dont a little more with helping the audience comprehend what they were watching. However once the credits began to flash all I could think about was watching it again.

User rating: November 29, 2006

interesting movie. great architecture. forster really likes crazy staircases. i missed a plot, too, but it´s kind of watching the clean up after a car know it´s sad and it makes you sad, but you still can´t look´s just so crazy. oh and the plot thing...i don´t know, maybe we are way too much used to having somebody say: well, boys and girls, what do we have learned? to me this movie makes more sense than "a scanner darkly".

User rating: October 26, 2006

I liked this movie a lot. If you are looking for a flashy mainstream entertainment movie, look somewhere else. This movie is extremely psychological and makes you think. Just when you think you know everything, there comes another twist which brings you back to ground zero saying "what the hell is going on?" You have to pay close attention and that is what I liked about it and the cast did a great job.

User rating: October 22, 2006

this is the best movie i have yet seen. it literally saved my life.

User rating: October 20, 2006

The point of the movie is not the plot, but to intelligently and exquisitely challenge you to experience the concurrent ambiguity of life and death.

User rating: October 20, 2006

Stay isn`t for the weak of heart or mind. To get the film you have to stay focused and pay very close attention. If you go to the movies to be spoon fed the plot, don`t bother with this film. Also avoid combining substances with this film, you might just hurt yourself. It very much reminded me of a "Jacob`s Ladder" type film without the "conspiracy" angle. The actors gave excellent performances and the special effects were spectacular. I gave it a four stars.

User rating: October 18, 2006

Outstanding, spectacular and well twisted. If you think you are smart and believe that surrounding world is solid like a rock... you should really see this piece and give it all a second thought.

User rating: October 2, 2006
