Based on 8 votes and 2 reviews.
Unfortunately, there are far too many people - the "Trekkies" mostly - who want Star Trek to stay exactly the same as it was in the 1960s. Forever unchanging and all Trek characters are exactly like the ones who has gone before. Star Trek: Discovery is far more interesting than standard Trek. The old Trek where you know everything will be fine at the end of 42 minutes and nothing that happened in the last episode will ever affect what happens in this episode. But with Discovery - oh yeah. Everything isn't solved in that 42 minutes, sometimes characters really die, and things are a little "darker" than the days of Wesley Crusher puffing out his chest and claiming, "I'm Starfleet. We don't lie!" Or the days when Riker and Troi and Tasha Yar are giving Wesley lessons on drug addiction. No - characters in Discovery are far more multi-dimensional than Kirk's Crew or Picard's Crew - maybe even Sisko's Crew. Janeway's Crew was showing a smidge of actual humanity - so Discovery is showing humans - and aliens - at there best - and worst. There are some out there - those who gave the show only one star - need to change or go home. This isn't 1962 anymore - and I've gotten rather bored of every single problem being solved with a little bit of jaw-jacking, a wee bit of breeze shooting, and a bit of BS. It's extremely anti-climactic when it looks like something is actually going to happen. Then you remember - this is Star Trek. Nothing that happens in this episode can affect what happens next week. War can't be declared. That planet can't be destroyed. That species cannot go extinct. This or that ship cannot be destroyed - and characters cannot die. Unless you're Tasha Yar and have issues with your contract. But that was a fluke. It's dull doing it that way. No wonder everyone else thinks Trekkes are dull, boring, and geeky. There's no suspense - knowing that if an
The show started out great in Season 1 & 2. So sad to see what they did to another Brian Singer creation.