Based on 981 votes and 39 reviews.
I thought the movie was extreamly funny, and I would go and see it any day!!! It had all the greatest actors put into one movie!!! How much greater could a movie get?!!
I have watched this movie at least 25 times, I laugh harder each time. Have you ever placed a bet on how long a "hottie" maid could hang from a curtain?!!! Ever wondered what you would sound like the day after a "tongue" piercing? If you don`t think this movie is insanity at it`s best---I bet your mom is in your prom pic.!!!!
Absolutly FUNNY one of the best movies ever in America
What begins as a comedy ends with a deep reflection on human tragedy. While a few can afford to gamble with their millions there are many poor people in the world who still die of hunger.
it is a great movie and all the actors are just great I loved it!
It was a pretty good movie that kept me busy.
this movie is terrible, its got to be one of the stupidest films this year, like seriously, the ending was crappy, the comedy was stupid, like be more creative seriously, how predictable can u be, man... dont bother renting this, i saw it on my friends DVD and i convinced him to toss it in the trash after. - review by doofer
it`s an action-packed comedy with a near perfect cast. Rowan did really well in this movie. my stomach was sore from laughing for days!
It`s great only because Dean`s name is in the cast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was HILARIOUS! when i saw it the first time in theaters i almost Peed in my pants! I thought the funniest were the Cody Brothers Blaine and Duane..they made me laugh histerically. It surprised me when i saw smashmouth at the end of the movie 2..but that was a pretty good ending. I Loved it.....GO BUY IT!