Based on 191 votes and 21 reviews.
Great family film. Watched it over and over and over!
In order to keep the peace and watch what you want (Rendition), you sit thru this one with your wife first. She rates this 4****s
it was a great movie i've got to say but it is not a must see movie.
Kind of cute!
I recommend it!
Anyone who enjoyed this film must have no idea about storylines, love or entertainment. One of the truly worst films ever, Zeta Jones should be run out of town. She has no passion for food or her co-star.
I didnt like it. It was boring. The actors werent all that great and the story line almost put me to sleep. The little girl was cute but she didnt really act that well. I dont suggest seeing it. Theres better movies out there.
Boring. Predictable. Zero chemistry. The kid was cute.
yuck. the little girl was great. suitable family movie. zeta jones is a horrible actress, all she has are her lips.
Not good, not terrible. Wait for it to come out on cable. That woman is a awful actress. And WHAT NO HAIRNETS?? ewwwww