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User rating: 4

Based on 290 votes and 87 reviews.

  • User rating: 122 43.26%
  • User rating: 90 31.91%
  • User rating: 38 13.48%
  • User rating: 12 4.26%
  • User rating: 20 7.09%

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Showing 1-10 of 87 reviews

User rating: September 17, 2015

This is an excellent movie for all ages. I went with the kids and we all loved it!!!!!

User rating: March 28, 2012

possibly the worst cartoon movie i've seen. could have done so much more with it but left every scene dull, with no life to it. i think my wife & i laughed once - three times if you include that we twice laughed at how bad it was.

User rating: August 4, 2011

Not just for kids, my husband and I loved it and we saw it without children.

User rating: August 4, 2011

Fun animated movie ... good for families, as with most every title in the genre. Always cool to see the host of actors involved in the voice work in such films too. Good cast here.

User rating: August 3, 2011

cute movie

User rating: August 2, 2011

Always a pleasure to watch and entertaining.

User rating: August 1, 2011

Really cute movie.

User rating: July 31, 2011

Both me and my kids loved this movie!

User rating: July 31, 2011

My daughter thought this movie was hilarious.

User rating: July 29, 2011
