This unique animated feature follows Rosie (Sandra Oh), a young Canadian poet of mixed race who lives with her overprotective Chinese grandparents in Vancouver, but dreams of a more glamorous and artistic life abroad.
Having just published a book of poetry, she receives an invitation to a poetry festival in Shiraz, Iran. Rosie decides to embark on her own for the first time in her life, to the dismay of her grandparents. While in Iran, immersed in a vast array of culture, she meets fellow artists from around the world who open her eyes to the nature of art, ultimately changing her life.
Cast: | Sandra Oh, Elliot Page, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Don McKellar, Omid Abtahi, Navid Neghaban, Nancy Kwan, Eddy Ko, Payman Maadi, Panta Mosleh, Mehdi Darvish |
Director: | Ann Marie Fleming, Ann Fleming |
Studio: | NFB |
Producer(s): | Shirley Vercruysse, Michael Fukushima, Ann Marie Fleming |
Writer(s): | Ann Marie Fleming |