Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated. Looking to repair his damaged relationship with his daughter, Gekko forms an alliance with her fiancé Jacob (Shia LaBeouf), and Jacob begins to see him as a father figure. But Jacob learns the hard way that Gekkostill a master manipulator and playeris after something very different from redemption...
Cast: | Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas, Josh Brolin, Charlie Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Frank Langella, Carey Mulligan |
Director: | Oliver Stone |
Studio: | 20th Century Fox |
Producer(s): | Edward R. Pressman, Eric Kopeloff, Oliver Stone, Michael Douglas |
Writer(s): | Allan Loeb |
Official Site: | wallstreetmoneyneversleeps.com |