A young solitary scavenger (Munro Chambers) obsessed with comic books in the post-apocalyptic future must face his fears when he meets a mysterious girl named Apple (Laurence Leboeuf).
Despite their efforts to keep to themselves, Zeus (Michael Ironside), the sadistic and self-proclaimed leader of the Wasteland, plagues The Kid and Apple. With little more than blind faith and an ancient turbocharged weapon, The Kid embarks on a journey to rid the Wasteland of evil and save the girl of his dreams.
Cast: | Munro Chambers, Laurence Leboeuf, Michael Ironside, Tyler Hall |
Director: | François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Anne-Marie Gélinas, Benoit Beaulieu, Ant Timpson, Tim Riley |
Writer(s): | François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell |