This horror thriller follows a group of passengers as they fight to survive after a zombie virus breaks out in South Korea. On the tension-filled and blood-soaked train, they must learn to work together in order to make it from Seoul to Busan — a resort town that has somehow kept the virus at bay.
Korean w/ English subtitles.
Cast: | Yoo Gong, Dong-seok Ma, Woo-sik Choi, Jung Yu-mi, Sohee , Choi Woo-sik, Ye Soo-jung, Park Myung-shin, Jeong Seok-yong, So-hee |
Director: | Yeon Sang-ho |
Studio: | Well Go USA Entertainment |
Producer(s): | Kim Woo-taek, Lee Dong-ha, Kim Yeon-ho |
Writer(s): | Sang-ho Yeon |