In the critically acclaimed movie To Kill a Mockingbird, attorney Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck, who won both a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award for his work in the movie) decides to defend a black man (Brock Peters) charged with raping a poor white woman.
The bigoted townspeople would rather lynch the accused than try him, and they make life hell for the lawyer, his daughter, Scout (Mary Badham, who received an Academy Award nomination), and his son Jem (Philip Alford).
While Atticus tries the case, his inquisitive children learn a hard and unforgettable lesson in justice, morality, and prejudice, part of which requires overcoming their fear of their mysterious neighbor Boo Radley (Robert Duvall).
Based on the best-selling novel by Harper Lee. Also playing Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.
Cast: | Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Brock Peters, Robert Duvall |
Director: | Robert Mulligan |
Studio: | Universal International |
Producer(s): | Alan J. Pakula |
Writer(s): | Horton Foote |