Produced in stop-motion animation, The Light Before Christmas is the delightful tale of young Katie and her brother Makean..
After losing their way in a Christmas eve blizzard, they are rescued by the Candleman, a wise old sage who invites them to his warm and cozy forest cottage. He then sparks the kids' imagination and reveals the joys of unselfishly giving to others with the classic story, A Night Before Christmas.
The children are magically transported into a fantasy world complete with Santa and his full team of reindeer.
Audiences will also enjoy a fun-filled tour of movie-making magic as artists show how they build life-like miniature sets and animators reveal how they bring their characters to life.
Cast: | Brock Holman, Ruby Chase O'Neil, Christopher Robin Miller, Ken Sansom, Ruby O'Neil |
Director: | Nathan Smith, Christopher Robin Miller |
Studio: | Christmas Partners |
Producer(s): | Cliff Miles |
Writer(s): | Bryan Allen |