The Lesser Blessed Movie Poster

The Lesser Blessed

The Lesser Blessed

Larry (Joel Evans), a 16-year-old Tlicho Indian, lives in the small northern town of Fort Simmer. He loves heavy metal music and has a crush on his classmate, the high school's "hottie," Juliet Hope, but he's bullied daily by Darcy (Adam Butcher).

Larry's past holds a variety of terrors, including the fact that his father is abusive. When a young Métis from Hay River—Johnny Beck (Kiowa Gordon), moves to town, they hit it off. Little does Larry know that this newfound companion will bring more confusion and torment to his life.

Adapted from the novel by Tlicho author Richard Van Camp.

Cast: Benjamin Bratt, Joel Evans, Kiowa Gordon, Krista Bridges, Chloe Rose, Adam Butcher, Spencer Van Wyck, David Boyce
Director: Anita Doron
Studio: First Generation Films
Producer(s): Christina Piovesan
Writer(s): Anita Doron
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