The Holy Girl
In the town of La Ciénaga, teenager Amalia (Maria Alché) lives with her divorced mother, Helena (Mercedes Morán), and her uncle, Freddy (Alejandro Urdapilleta), in the crumbling, run-down Hotel Termas, which her family owns and runs. After choir rehearsals Amalia and her best friend, Josefina (Julieta Zylberberg) gather in the parish church for instruction in faith and vocation. In between the teachings, the girls gossip and whisper secretively.
The lives of the girls and their families intersect with those of a group of visiting ear, nose and throat specialists staying at the hotel for a medical convention, including the married, middle-aged Dr. Jano (Carlos Belloso). One day, a crowd of people gather in the street to watch a man play an unusual, exotic instrument: a theremin. Amalia is in the crowd when a man standing behind her presses himself sexually against her. Later, in the hotel, she discovers that this man is Dr. Jano, one of the doctors attending the conference.
Amalia finds herself drawn to the doctor and for days she spies on him. Dr. Jano never notices her presence, but he does notice her mother, Helena. Helena greatly enjoys the attention from this man, but she has little hope as she knows he is married and has a family. Amalia confides in Josefina what occurred in the street with Dr. Jano and of her secret mission: to save one man from sin.
Mercedes Morán, Maria Alché, Carlos Belloso, Alejandro Urdapiilleta, Julieta Zylberberg, Alejandro Urdapilleta, María Alche, Alejo Mango, Mónica Villa, Rodolfo Cejas |
Lucrecia Martel |
Studio: |
Fine Line Features |
Producer(s): |
Lita Stantic |
Writer(s): |
Lucrecia Martel, Juan Pablo Domenech |
Official Site: | |