The Headless Woman Movie Poster

The Headless Woman

The Headless Woman

Veronica is driving on the highway in northwestern Argentina. She becomes distracted by the ringtone of her mobile phone and runs over something, but drives on. The story will revolve around her meltdown following the accident and the possible death of someone. The police confirm that there were no accident reports. But, she has doubts about what she had really hit. Was it an animal? A child?
Cast: María Onetto, Claudia Cantero, César Bordón, Daniel Genoud, Guillermo Arengo, Inés Efron, Alicia Muxo, Pía Uribelarrea, María Vaner
Director: Lucrecia Martel
Producer(s): Tilde Corsi, Pedro Almodóvar, Verónica Cura, Agustín Almodóvar