The Fight for Bala Movie Poster

The Fight for Bala

The Fight for Bala

When Canadian corporation Swift River Energy Limited proposed a hydroelectric generating station be constructed at the famed and National Geographic award-winning Bala Falls, it caused outrage within the local community.

Due to the significance of the land to First Nations, the federal and provincial governments legally are obliged to consult with all potentially impacted First Nations, but according to Chief Philip Franks of the Wahta Mohawks, they were not consulted, and they believe the plant will degrade the historically significant Bala Portage as the only water passage connecting the Muskokas to Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario.

The community decided to stand together and fight against the plant that will irreparably ruin the natural landscape, destroy their tourism industry forever and wreck livelihoods - without providing any benefit to the community.

Cast: Rob Stewart
Director: Rob Stewart
Studio: Sharkwater Productions
Producer(s): Rob Stewart, Tyler Levine, Zoe Crook
Writer(s): Rob Stewart
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