The Carnivores
Alice and Bret's dog Harvie is dying, and he's ruining everything. What had been a bright little family is quickly being consumed by clouds of self-doubt, suspicion, and a disturbing amount of ground beef. Bret (Lindsay Burdge) is taking the news hard. She's had Harvie since before the relationship and is startled to find just how much of her sense of self is wrapped up in her history with him. Alice (Tallie Medel) thus finds herself on the outside of a relationship looking in. Bret's obsession with the dog is getting overtly unhealthy, yet the more Alice attempts to connect, the further Bret retreats.
Tallie Medel, Frank Mosley, Vincent Prendergast, Jason Newman, Thomas Fernandes, Aiden Colquitt, Lorelei Johnson |
Caleb Johnson |
Producer(s): |
Heather Johnson, Adam Minnick, Jeff Smith |
Writer(s): |
Caleb Johnson, Jeff Smith |