The Black Cauldron
Walt Disney Pictures produced this ambitious, animated tale of sorcery and swordfighting. Taran (voice of Grant Bardsley), is an assistant to Dallben (voice of Freddie Jones), a pigkeeper in the mythical land of Prydain. Taran longs to be a knight, and he's given his chance to live out his dream when he is sent out in search of a magical black cauldron which can either be a powerful instrument of good or a bottomless fount of evil, depending entirely upon who should find it. However, Taran is not the only one in search of this talisman -- the Horned King (voice of John Hurt) wants the cauldron to shore up his sinister powers and raise an army of the dead, and with the help of the all-seeing pig Hen-Wren, the wicked one may make his hideous plans a reality. The Black Cauldron had the distinction of being the first animated feature from Disney to receive a PG rating from the MPAA, due to some frightening scenes of black magic.
Arthur Malet, Nigel Hawthorne, John Hurt, Freddie Jones, Peter Renaday, Phil Fondacaro, Eda Merin, Adele Malis-Morey, John Byner, Gregory Levinson, Wayne Allwine, James Almanzar, Grant Bardsley, Brandon Call, Steve Hale, Billie Hayes, Jack Laing, Eda Reiss Merin, Lindsay Rich, Susan Sheridan |
Richard Rich, Ted Berman |
Producer(s): |
Joe Hale |