Theater director and Leo (Aaron Poole) is frustrated with his drama troupe, who are playing it safe in their creativity. One of his students happens to be his ex-lover who responds to everything he says with negativity.
A single father, Leo is also having issues with his teenaged son, Sam (Jacob Switzer). Trying to find solutions to his problems, Leo stumbles upon an old project in which Sam wandered around Toronto in a bunny suit offering free hugs. Leo decides to shake things uphe and the class will sport furry mascot suits and go into the world for a night in order to get their creative wheels spinning inside their heads.
Cast: | Aaron Poole, Joey Klein, Jessica Greco, Johnathan Sousa, Sarena Parmar |
Director: | Ingrid Veninger |
Studio: | pUNK FILMS |
Writer(s): | Ingrid Veninger |