In the near future, a mysterious phenomenon strikes humanity and unexplained mutations gradually transform parts of the population into human-animal hybrids. François Marindaze (Romain Duris) and his 16-year-old son Émile (Paul Kircher) embark on a desperate search for his missing wife who disappeared after a crash.
As François clings to the family's past, he progressively loses his grip on Émile, who has started to notice transformations in his own body, leaving his fate increasingly uncertain.
In French with English subtitles.
Cast: | Romain Duris, Paul Kircher, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Tom Mercier, Billie Blain, Xavier Aubert, Saadia Bentaïeb |
Director: | Thomas Cailley |
Studio: | Magnolia Pictures |
Producer(s): | Pierre Guyard |
Writer(s): | Thomas Cailley, Pauline Munier |
Official Site: | |