This fifth installment in the Step Up series brings the return of previous stars including Andie (Briana Evigan), Sean (Ryan Guzman), Jason (Stephen "tWitch" Boss), Camille (Alyson Stoner) and Moose (Adam G. Sevani).
Set in Las Vegas, this chapter shows the stars coming together to take part in a competition that will define their dreams and their careers.
Cast: | Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Stephen "tWitch" Boss, Misha Gabriel, Izabella Miko, Alyson Stoner, Adam Sevani |
Director: | Trish Sie |
Studio: | Summit Entertainment |
Producer(s): | Jennifer Gibgot, Erik Feig, Patrick Wachsberger, Adam Shankman |
Writer(s): | John Swetnam |
Official Site: | |