Adapted from Liu Zhenyunas' award-winning 2008 novel One Sentence Worth Ten Thousand, this drama revolves around Aiguo, a cobbler in a loveless marriage, and his sister, Aixiang, a street food vendor who isn't interested in marriage. However, the two siblings ultimately find themselves in opposite situations when Aiguo's marriage fails, and Aixiang ends up wedded to a divorcée named Jiefang.
While searching for his estranged wife, Aiguo runs into his childhood friend, Chuhong, who is recently divorced. Chuhong admits she finds it hard to communicate with others — which is actually something Aiguo, Aixiang, and Jiefang also struggle with. And through each other, they learn that truly connecting with someone may not be so hard after all.
Mandarin w/ Chinese & English subtitles.
Cast: | Mao Hai, Li Qian, Pei Liu, Fan Wei |
Director: | Liu Yulin |
Studio: | Old Western Village Pictures |
Producer(s): | Zhiqiang Jiang |
Writer(s): | Zhenyun Liu |