Unlike their friends who made their fortune in industrial slaughter, Vincent and Sophie run a neighborhood butcher shop in a small town in Île-de-France. However, for a few years now, their business has been in trouble. One night while driving, without meaning to, they run over a vegan activist who had attacked their business a few days earlier. Not knowing what to do with the body, Vincent cuts it into pieces. The next day, Sophie puts these on sale with the label “Pork from Iran.” The success is immediate.
Cast: | Marina Fois, Fabrice Eboué, Jean-François Cayrey |
Director: | Fabrice Eboué |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Jean-Luc Ormières, Julien Deris, David Gauquié |
Writer(s): | Fabrice Eboué, Vincent Solignac |