The classic tale, based on the original written in 1812 by the Brothers Grimm, tells the story of a young princess, Snow White. After the death of her mother, her father remarries an evil woman and unfortunately, her wicked stepmother takes over the kingdom when he passes away.
Snow White is forced to work as a maid, but when the Magic Mirror tells her evil stepmother that Snow White's beauty is surpassing her own, the Queen takes matters into her own hands.
She hires a huntsman to kill Snow White and demands the young girl's heart, to be certain the task is complete. However, the huntsman takes pity on the poor girl and spares her life, causing her to take shelter in the forest. There, she meets and befriends the seven dwarfs who take her in.
When the Queen finds Snow White, she tricks her into eating a poisonous apple and only true love's kiss will be able to break the spell.
Cast: | Roy Atwell, Adriana Caselotti, Eddie Collins, Pinto Colvig, Billy Gilbert, Lucille La Verne, Moroni Olsen, Harry Stockwell, Otis Harlan, Scotty Mattraw, Stuart Buchanan, Marion Darlington |
Director: | David Hand |
Studio: | Walt Disney Productions |
Producer(s): | Walt Disney |
Writer(s): | Richard Creedon, Dick Rickard, Otto Englander, Merrill De Maris, Webb Smith, Earl Hurd, Ted Sears and Dorothy Ann Blank |