Bennie Chan (Jackie Chan), Hong Kong's top detective, has been given the task of bringing down China's deadliest gang, led by the mysterious and notorious crime boss Matador. In order to do that, he's paired up with American conman and gambler Connor Watts (Johnny Knoxville).
When Connor is kidnapped by a Russian kingpin to answer for cheating his daughter, Bennie rescues him in the nick of time and the two head for Mongolia, where they get into further hijinks and engage in heated combat with a Chinese gang.
Cast: | Jackie Chan, Johnny Knoxville, Fan Bingbing, Eric Tsang, Eve Torres, Winston Chao |
Director: | Renny Harlin |
Studio: | Saban Films |
Producer(s): | Damien Saccani, Jackie Chan, David Gerson, Charles Coker, Hongliang Wu, Esmond Ren |
Writer(s): | Jay Longino, BenDavid Grabinski |