This Bangladeshi action film tells the story of Sultan (Shakib Khan), a professional assassin who ran away from home as a child after being convicted of the attempted murder of his father. An influential child trafficker named Rahul Dev hires Sultan to kill Rudro Chowdhury (Sabyasachi Chatterjee), a prominent judge who handles the inquiry and verdict on Rahul’s child trafficking case. During his sniping attempt, Sultan accidentally misfires due to the crowding around the judge, and ends up being chased by the West Bengal police force. After an insult from Rahul, Sultan vows to kill the judge within ten days, by entering his house as a disguised servant, and slowly wins over Rudro’s family.
Bengail w/ English subtitles.
Cast: | Shakib Khan, Srabanti Chatterjee, Amit Hassan, Rahul Dev |
Director: | Abdul Aziz, Joydeep Mukherjee |
Studio: | Eskay Movies |
Producer(s): | Abdul Aziz, Ashok Kumar Dhanuka |
Writer(s): | Pele Bhattacharya, Joydeep Chakraborty |