Based on true events, this gripping crime drama tells the story of dashing Naval Commander Rustom, whose life is seemingly perfect — he's a decorated officer well-respected within his community and is a devoted husband and father. All it takes is three fatal shots to change his idyllic life forever. Now Rustom is forced to defend his honor before he's labeled a murderer and a traitor.
Hindi w/ English subtitles.
Cast: | Akshay Kumar, Ileana D'Cruz, Esha Gupta, Arjan Bajwa |
Director: | Dharmendra Suresh Desai |
Studio: | Panorama Studios |
Producer(s): | Shital Bhatia, Virender Arora, Aruna Bhatia, Akash Chawla |
Writer(s): | Vipul K. Rawal |