In the second installment of the action-packed Rogue Warfare trilogy, while an elite team is working to disband a terrorist threat, its leader Daniel (Will Yun Lee) is captured and held hostage.
Stopping at nothing, the President of the United States (Stephen Lang) orders a rescue mission to infiltrate enemy territory and save their man at all costs, leaving no man left behind.
Cast: | Will Yun Lee, Jermaine Love, Rory Markham, Bertrand-Xavier Corbi, Katie Keene, Fernando Chien, Gina DeCesare, Michael Blalock, Essam Ferris, Chris Mulkey, Stephen Lang |
Director: | Mike Gunther |
Studio: | Saban Films |
Producer(s): | Mike Gunther, Andrew Emilio DeCesare, Michael Day, Delphine Perrier |
Writer(s): | Andrew Emilio DeCesare |