When Richie (Jeremy Ferdman) finds himself in debt to ruthless casino owner Roxanne (Jennifer Dale), he turns to his father, veteran thief Frank (Art Hindle). Unfortunately, his aging father has been diagnosed with dementia, which forces Richie into a race against time if he wants to put Frank's criminal expertise to use before his mind is gone for good.
Together, they plan a series of reckless heists that brings in the cash, but also attracts the attention of a local crime lord.
Cast: | Art Hindle, Jeremy Ferdman, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Jennifer Dale, Michael James Regan |
Director: | Corey Stanton |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Corey Stanton, Samantha Herman, Michael James Regan |
Writer(s): | Corey Stanton |
Official Site: | backlashpictures.com/films/robbery/ |